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了解真实学业水平 定制专属提分方案


发布时间:2023-06-26  |  浏览次数:   |  发布人:乐学赞

英国高中课程(General Certificate of Education Advanced Level )简称A-Level课程,它是英国的普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程,是英国的全民课程体系。今天,小编为大家带来的是2019年A-level物理之量子物理学的相关资讯,希望对准备考试的你有所帮助!



  一.the definition of key vocabularies.

  -Particle model: objects that are hard, have mass and move about according to laws of Newtonian mechanics

  -Wave model: shaped like a sine graph, do not have mass or charge. Their defining characteristics are diffraction and interference

  -Photoelectric effect: when an electromagnetic radiation of sufficiently high frequency falls on a metal surface, electrons are emitted and the emitted electrons are called photoelectrons

  -Photoelectric current: current due to photoelectrons

  -Photon: each quantum (particle) of electromagnetic radiation

  -Work function: minimum amount of energy required by an electron to escape its surface

  -Matter wave: a moving particle of matter of momentum will have an associated wave of wavelength where

  -Under normal conditions, an atom is in its ground state where it posses the minimum possible energy

  -Transition: shifting of electrons between energy levels

  -Mass defect : the difference between the total mass of the individual, separate nucleons and the mass of the nucleus

  -Binding energy : the minimum external energy required to separate all the neutrons and protons of a nucleus. It is also the energy released when the nucleus is assembled from its constituent nucleons

  -Binding energy per nucleon of a nucleus is the ratio of the total binding energy to its nucleon number

  -Fission: process in which a massive nucleus splits to form two smaller fragments-Fusion: process by which two very light nuclei join together to form a heavier nucleus

  -Random: impossible to predict and each nucleus has the same probability of decaying per unit time

  -Spontaneous: not affected by external factors such as the presence of other nuclei, temperature and pressure

  -The activity of a radioactive sample is the rate at which nuclei decay or disintegrate

  -The decay constant is the probability that an individual nucleus will decay per unit time interval

  -The half life of a radioactive is the mean time taken for half of the active nuclei in a sample to decay

  二. Key rules

  Laws of Photoelectric Emission:

  • 1st Law: number of photoelectrons emitted per second is directly proportional to intensity of incident radiation

  • 2nd Law: max kinetic energy of photoelectrons is directly proportional to the frequency of the incident radiation but independent of its intensity

  • 3rd Law: for every metal, there is a minimum frequency of incident radiation below which photoelectric emission does not take place; threshold frequency

  • Threshold frequency: minimum frequency required to release electrons from the surface of a metal






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